Covenants and Architectural Review

Covenants and Architectural Review Committee Guidelines in The Outback in Jasper, Georgia, USA

Covenants Committee purpose:
The Covenants Committee was formed to serve as the hearing tribunal to administer requirements and restrictions set forth by the Covenants, By-Laws and Architectural Review. As well as providing the Outback Property Owners’ Association Board of Directors with advisory opinions as required.

Architectural Review Committee purpose:
The Architectural Review Committee was formed to assist property owners, thus maintaining the aesthetic quality of the environment at the design level by specifications, architectural design, appearance, location, landscaping, and alterations or modifications of all buildings or structures of property owners in the POA.
Application for approval is required of all new construction or exterior modifications. You may download a printable application form below. Please submit required documentation as outlined in the downloadable documents.

Covenants and Architectural Review Committee Guidelines